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About us
Nikdaria LLC (ТМ iBerry) is amongst TOP-5 berry farms in Ukraine and the most innovative farm. While blueberry takes most of 160 hectares land, 15 hectares are under asparagus, hascap, strawberry and raspberry.

OUR MISSION AND uniqueness
Mission: We make people healthier with our products, and we drive Ukraine to become a berry cluster of Europe using extensively innovations and smart technologies.

Uniqueness: LLC Nikdaria lands are located only 70 km away from Kyiv. They are unique: the land plots under our plants are naturally clean as they have not been cultivated for the recent 15 years and have never been contaminated with chemical compounds. They also had Organic Standard certificate!
All production processes in LLC Nikdaria farm are automated, and the world's advanced technologies are used. The only process beyond the automatic coverage is the process of picking berries and cutting asparagus. Together with the automated sorting and packing processes these all in line ensure the highest quality of the end product.
The quality of our products is confirmed by international certificates Global GAP та GRASP on a yearly basis.
We produce clean and healthy products aiming to improve the health of our customer. We care about our team being socially responsible and ensure decent work conditions.
We bring innovations and developments to territories with lands of low productivity which is not interesting for traditional agriculture. We expand the ideas of innovative production and help other players in berry market of Ukraine.
We don't strive to become the first in the market, we aim to be consistently of high quality.
OUR technologies
- Automated irrigation system
- Biometric accounting for work time of production staff
- Automated accounting for the harvest
- Modern berry refrigerator (the only one in Ukraine as of 2021) with an automated system of intensive cooling and storage of fresh berries
- Unitec automated sorting line: without human intervention the line is able to analyze 144 berries every second for 9 specific parameters by taking 16 shots of each berry
- Sorma automated packaging line, which with an error of only 1 gram packs berries in an automated mode in packages ranging between 125 g to 500 g
Since 2018, with receiving the GLOBAL GAP certificate, Nikdaria LLC on a yearly basis confirms compliance of its technological processes to international quality standards.

Since 2019, Nikdaria LLC received an international G.R.A.S.P. certificate, which testifies the company's attribution towards the European principles of work conditions for the people in the farm.

The lands of LLC Nikdaria are unique: they are naturally clean as they have not been cultivated for the recent 15 years and have never been contaminated with any chemical compounds. They also had Organic Standard certificate!
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Research activities and international cooperation
In 2021, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) recognized the fields of Nikdaria LLC as a demonstration site and a place to share experience in implementing innovative projects for Ukrainian berry farms.

Nikdaria LLC participated to the project "Eastern Partnership: Ready to Trade - EU4Business Initiative" implemented by the International Trade Center, funded by the European Union and designed for 2019 - 2021. Nikdaria LLC was represented on a grant basis at the main world exhibition Fruit Logistica 2019, Biofach 2019, Fruit Logistica 2020.

Nikdaria LLC, with the support of the World Trade Organization, joined Ukraine's trade mission to Dubai Chamber of Commerce&Industry and became a participat to the international exhibition WOP Dubai, 2019.

Nikdaria Ltd. acted as a representative of Ukraine at the World Berry Congress in Rotterdam - Global Berry Congress, being invited as the largest innovative farm in Ukraine, 2019.

Nikdaria LLC joined the USAID project "Support to Agrarian and Rural Development" by implementing following innovative solutions in agriculture:
• Project "Climate-SMART agriculture" and improvement of automated irrigation stations
• Project of automated accounting for harvest in the field
• Project of saving based technology for use of water by means of soil probes for humidity, РН and ЕС control measures
• Project to study the impact of natural pollinators on actual yields in berry farms.

Nikdaria Ltd participated to Blueberry Europe 2018 conference in Trento (Italy) as a speaker from Ukraine on the factors that stimulate the development of blueberry production in Ukraine in 2018.
Sign up for a tour!
Send us your contact details, we will contact you to agree on a convenient date and time for a tour in our farm.
Our products may be purchased in:
Our contactd details
Nikdaria LLC (TM iBerry)
12260 Ukraine
Zhytomyrskiy region, Zhytomyrskiy district.
village Rakovichi, Centralna str. 36A
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